Our team. You may already know us!

We've been providing online services since 2011 and printing products on a whole host of machines since 1973 (that's over 50 years!)

Print is in our DNA. Developed lovingly out of Printed.com whilst reinventing their storefront and production factory workflow processes, we like to describe ourselves as an easy-to-use online print destination that puts the power back in your hands!

We know what we're doing, our tech team have been building software and managing workflow stuff for a collective 150 years... That's a lot of knowledge huh!?

Timeline of the platform evolution

PrintedDirect has grown and evolved from its humble beginnings as a scalability project for Printed.com.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the technology team at The Printed Group, it has blossomed into the backbone of the business, supporting its ongoing growth and ever increasing successes.

Printed.com initiates a project to scale for the future

September 2014

Having launched a dynamic ecommerce shop in Printed.com in 2011, as the number of products got added, orders increased, scaling became paramount to the priorities. In 2013 the technology team identified the way forward and in September work began.

Prototype API built

November 2014

Brain v1 was born. A small print API capable of any product configuration was tested on a new product from the Printed.com team - wrap.me launched in Selfridges as a wrapping paper app, all running on the emerging platform.

Team scaled up to build the new technology platform

November 2015

With the main Printed.com team focussed on the day-to-day running of the business, a new unit was assembled to work on both the core platform and a new, more advanced web-2-print storefront.

Outsource system begins using first APIs

April 2016

With the increasing number of products going online in the web shop, testing of new product lines became a priority, so outsourcing this work and managing the print jobs, tracking and quality control required a new integration.

Production factory tools go live

February 2017

With the increased volumes in the factory, new tools were identified to assist in the efficient running of the shop floor. A new production management interface as well as advanced prepress and workflow application.

First major production house joins the Partner Network

January 2018

As the ability to connect became a reality, one of the UK's largest print manufacturers joined our network at the beginning of the year, allowing the outsource team to source an extended range at the time unavailable on Printed.com.

Console (now Hub) goes live to print partners

July 2019

Those that onboarded were given the first tastes of a print management platform, the API was given a face and this helped increase the effectiveness and use of the platform.

2 million jobs processed!

February 2020

Having surpassed the 1 million milestone without realising, we relished in the success of hitting 2 million instead! Failure rate was also down nearly zero, so trust in the platform gain a new level of authority.

Infrastructure improvement...

April 2021

With throughput increasing and the business development team on a mission to put the system under more pressure, we reviewed the technology stack and made some important tweaks.

Printed.com v2 goes live

July 2022

Printed.com's new flagship storefront finally went live after many years in development with a rebrand to accompany it. Although it can be run independently, the application was built around the platform with the OMS, CMS, PIM and DAM systems all integrated feeding into the print workflow engine.

Project PrintedDirect begins

March 2023

With the comfortability factor skyhigh having 50+ partners trading through the platform and our flagship web-2-print store Printed.com at the helm, the PrintedDirect business model started to take shape.

PrintedDirect is born

February 2024

PrintedDirect launches with a new name, new brand, new features in Hub, two new add-on applications in Imposr and Trackr but still backed by the robust platform, artwork management and workflow systems that have been developed so strictly and passionately over the last 8 years.

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2 Arcot Court, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 1BB
United Kingdom

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